But at least I update... unlike someone... who is half of this site. ; )
Things have been crazy busy... still... I don't think it is ever going to calm down... Ugh.
Things that have happened since the last time I updated, ages ago:
We went camping for Easter. Super excited to use our new stuff, packed it all, left early Friday morning, got a great camping spot, got to fish for about 45 minutes... and woke up to SNOW the next morning (at about 2 am.) Prime camping spot, actually camping spot from hell because it was the furthest one away, and we had to haul ALL of our crap back, soaking wet, in the snow. I eventually wore down and put on a trash bag because I was freezing and my clothes were sopping. Ugh. Needless to say, we didn't get to use much of the new stuff except the portable toilet, and our water jugs. Don't worry, there are pictures... which brings me to the next thing:
Someone reported my Windows key as stolen (which I guess, technically, it is) so my computer has basically been crapping out on me for the last 3 weeks. :( I have reformatted and tried and tried to find a legitimate copy of windows, with no avail. I may have to... buy it. Disgusting. I really wish that I could use something more basic... like... anything, but unfortunately, there are so many programs out there that wont run on *nix based systems, that I really... just can't switch to anything free or Open Source.
School is done for me! (And will be done for Jason in a week, I think.) I got an A in all my classes but one, where I got a B (which was lame, because it was an 89% and they wouldn't just bump it) 8 out of 9 isn't bad though, right? I'll never be THAT crazy about school again. I do have my Certificate of Completion in Computer Applications and Usage (i.e. I know how to use a computer, go me, and whooopie!) which I should receive in the mail in a few weeks, and I have to have one more class to get another Certificate of Completion in Web Design. What do those all mean? Nothing really, except that I am done with two chunks of my education on my way to an... associates degree. Ugh. The school system is so ridiculous sometimes. All these classes, all this work, and I can't even get a degree that will get me anywhere. I suppose that is partially my fault for dragging my feet for so long and changing my mind every semester. :P
Last week, after I was done with all my finals and homework, I built a garden! I will eventually post pictures of that too... but I am still working on that computer issue, so I may end up using Jason's computer to do so. I have planted tomatoes, jalapeños, yellow onions, white green onions, purple green onions, cucumbers, and artichokes. The tomatoes, cucumbers, and jalapeños were already grown to a small size, and they are doing fine, everything else was planted by me, so far the onions are kicking ass though. The white green onions have already sprouted, and I have seen little sprouts (that literally look like alphalpha sprouts) coming up where the yellow onions should be. I will have my own salsa factory soon! The jalepeños, even though I don't know how old they are since I didn't sprout them, already have a few buds for peppers. Who knows if the first batch will be good, so I guess we just wait.
Lastly, from last Monday, until yesterday (Monday, so a week) this is what has happend:
- Jason got a kidney stone. - Monday
- Amanda got a sty. - Tuesday
- Jason passed said kidney stone. - Friday
- Amanda gets rid of sty (for the most / painful part anyway.) - Friday
- Jason gets another kidney stone. - Monday
I swear, he is really pushing the limit on "in sickness and in health". NO MORE KIDNEY STONES. I swear, he is trying to start our family early in his kidneys. :|
And... I swear, once I get all this computer hubub straightened out... I will update more... promiiiise. :D