Except in this case, not really. I'm just lazy, so here, have some pictures:
That's all. Goodnight.
Except in this case, not really. I'm just lazy, so here, have some pictures:
That's all. Goodnight.
We finally registered! Go us.
I guess I could give these their own tab, eh? Also, I think it's funny that someone bought us shower curtain rings... and we haven't even given this list out yet... I wonder if it is a mistake? :P
And, I think I'll type up a breif trasncript of the dog whisperer thing, for Lucy and Landon too, I remember a lot of Lucy's and some of it is kinda hard to hear. I know you're as excited as I am. :)
Jason is working until 2 am, so I am trying my hardest to stay up until he gets home. It is currently 42 minutes after my absolute bedtime (10.) Generally, if Amanda doesn't get to be in bed by 10 she is a TERROR. I can only imagine what the children will be like. :P I need my sleep, and I value it completely. I did take a nap this afternoon as I have NOT been sleeping well at all... however, I slept through the timer, and woke up at 6:05. I flipped out, thinking it was a work day, and why hadn't the alarm gone off, and OMG, where is Jason, why is he not in bed with me, where did he go... a few minutes later... I realized: oh, it's Friday, work is over, and it is 6 pm not 6 am-- we are all good. Phew. That is how much sleep I have been getting. I don't even know what day it is.
So as a few of you may know, Jason caved into my crazy last weekend, and he allowed me (I didn't give him a choice really) to take our pups to a Dog Whisperer. Not The Dog Whisperer, but a really good one, that not only helped us communicate, but gave us a lot of help with other things in training aspects. Her name was Krista Cantrell, she has actually written several books, and been on TV and blah blah blah... and totally not a hoax, as I am sure know some of you thought she was... She had some AMAZING insight and knowledge. Jason was skeptical until she got to Lucy, and then he was sold. I recorded the session, that we went to with two of my co-workers (as one had been to her before, so we set up a "group" like session) but unfortunately, we had to stop recording during Lucy's session, and when I went to save it, having not used the program, screwed something up, and the last hour (which was ALL Lucy) was not saved. There are some interesting tidbits in there from Maggie (co-workers dog who went first), Landon, who is a ham, and Sadie (other co-workers dog), plus about 5 minutes of Lucy before we had to stop. The file is about 2 hours long, but interesting. You can find a zip version, and the straight MP3 version, here.
A few weeks ago, I built a garden. I think I mentioned it. I put up pictures of it in the gallery. Well, our sweet devil of a dog, Lucy, decided to jump into it, and have a hay-day in the dirt yesterday, demolishing everything in there. I was so upset, I didn't know what to do. All the onions were shredded, and there was no saving them, and I got to save five out of the 6 jalapeno plants. Luckily, we have a separated yard, and we moved the garden into the back yard, where they cannot get into (now anyway.) Sadly though, I don't think the jalapenos are going to make it. I replanted them yesterday, and when I went to water them today... they were all shriveled and... almost dead. So sad. :( Luckily she only got into one bin, and not both. The tomatoes, cucumbers, and artichokes still have a chance.
As for the gallery, I added a few new pictures / categories: