Friday, March 25, 2011


Today, minus how I physically felt, I felt awesome. Several people came to me for advice, and some I felt like I may have given some worthwhile insight to on some things, which for me is rare.

I got a haircut, which at the moment I think is cute and ready for summer, but I do kind of want to lighten it a bit before I think I will be completely satisfied.

The animals have all flocked to me tonight, for whatever reason, and are all being extremely cuddly, which I love, but is rare for me to get out of them.  I have actually had to push them away at points because it got to the point of overwhelming.  C'mon guys, I am here all the time, spread it out a bit.

And lastly, I am going to bed motivated and ready to take on any challenges that I may face tomorrow. For the first time in a long time I am excited to see what the future has in store for me.  Lets just hope I wake up like this tomorrow.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Day Four. Should Be Eleven. Whooops.

So I am not sure why I thought this idea would be super to start a few days BEFORE I went on vacation.  Maybe I thought that I would have all this extra time, which I guess I kinda did, but hey, I'm on vacation, and I'm lazy, so I have thought about posting something, but just haven't.

We are in Tulsa now, and nearing the end of our vacation (boo).  We visited Jason's grandfather yesterday in Durant (about a 3 hour drive away) and on the way there, and back, we saw a few fires, and now everything smells like fire.  Tracey said it looks like the world is ending, so I took a picture, just in case.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 3. Nothing.

I have nothing to say.  I spent half the day at work, and half the day packing. I live the interesting life, let me tell you. Tomorrow is vacation, yaaaay!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day Two. Tootin' Your Own Horn.

Jason and I both get to toot our horns.  (Although, I am actually doing it for him without his permission.)

Jason first:  He’s been working in the department that he wants to work at, but can’t get a job in because they aren't hiring anyone to replace the guy who quit.  They started working him yesterday; he has come home happy, and excited about the opportunity he has been given.  He will be working with them again when we get back from our vacation, and they have told him, that this will look good for him down the road.  When I called him earlier, he seemed to be getting along with everyone down there as if he was a regular.  So let’s cross our fingers that the department gets whatever they need to get to be able to hire someone, and that it’s him.  He’s smitten.  They even gave him a laptop, which he totes around with pride, like it’s a badge of honor.

Me:  I got a letter in the mail yesterday telling me that because of my academic standing, I was invited to be a commencement speaker at my graduation this May.  I’m not really sure how to take it because I was a student a long time, and I am not sure how that is supposed to make them look good—I have also had endless problems with them, so I feel like it’s kind of a joke.  I guess a handful of students got the letter, and we need to submit an essay about something or another, I really didn't pay attention much, because I am 99% sure that I won’t be doing it anyway.  Don’t get me wrong, it’s an honor, but I am not a fan of the school, or of speaking in front of that many people.


Anyway, I need to get back to washing clothes and trying to get everything ready for when we head out tomorrow after work.


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day One. In the Beginning.

Why is she doing this you ask?  I am asking myself the same thing.  Long story short, I have to write a lot of essays this semester.  A LOT.  We’re talking about one to two 750 word essays a WEEK.  A WEEK.  That is a lot for me because I am used to writing that maybe once a semester in one class, if that.  So it’s been kind of a really hard task for me to accomplish since it’s been such a long time since I’ve had to do it.  A few years back I used to keep a personal blog.  Just me, by myself (not that Jason posts here much) but it was pretty much a private thing, and I’d update a few times a month, and be good with that.  I just let the words flow.  Writing essays would have posed no problem for me.  Now it takes me half a day.  I am hoping that not only will this get me in with the “flow” of things again, but it will get me back into the habit of writing again, which I shockingly love to do, I just feel like I don’t have time to write anything worthwhile, and you don’t have time to read about my boring life.  So I am making time, and hopefully making it a little interesting.  I have a whole bunch I want to write about, but I fear that by day three this will be getting old, so I am saving them up for the next few days, and hopefully I won’t forget any of them.  I’ll try to include pictures too when I can, because who doesn’t love pictures?!


31 Days of Blogs.

This is my promise to you, my reader.  A promise that I sincerely hope I can keep.  Don't worry, this isn't one of the posts, just a forewarning of what's to come over the next month.