Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Five Months.

Time is flying by way too fast for me.  You are almost half a year old, and it seems like just yesterday I was still pregnant with you.  Life is flying by too fast now that I think about it.  I feel like this month you’ve reached more milestones than I’d like to admit.

You are sleeping so much better.  Now, you usually go to bed around 9:30 or 10, and don’t wake up until 5:30 or 6.  One morning, you didn’t wake up until 7, I thought for a moment that maybe I had died, and gone to heaven!  I still really can’t complain.  I am just so glad that you are over that whole waking up every hour thing you had going on for a little bit.  You are usually super easy to get to sleep too.  If you don’t fall asleep eating, I can usually place you in your crib, turn your mobile on, and you will just lie there peacefully until you doze off.  On the mornings where you wake up a little bit before my body is ready to be awake with you (ok, every morning) I now just drag you into bed with me.  You’ve really outgrown your bassinet with your weight, and all your tossing, and kicking.  It may support you, but I don’t fully trust it.  You are a much better co-sleeper than your sister is.  She flips around, is restless all night, and usually ends up kicking us off our own bed.  Not you though.  You usually lay right where we put you, or cuddled up next to one of us, and stay there.  No feet in our faces, or elbows to the ribs in the middle of the night from you.  You are a little cuddler.

You have started “talking” a lot more than you had been.  I have so many videos of you trying to say things, they are so cute.  You are trying so hard.  I love it.  You said “momma” first, which, of course, made me super happy.  No other words yet, but you babble a ton.  When you aren’t happily babbling away, you still like to scream back and forth with your sister.  It’s not a bad scream; it is full of happiness and joy.  It’s actually funny to watch you two communicate.  It is never quiet around here!

Last weekend we took you to your very first photo-shoot!  We’ve been a little behind, and sadly, these are your first professional photos at almost 5 months old.  Unfortunately, there has been lack of time or funds, or both, and it never seemed to work out before now, and it’s only because Grandma Lynn gave me pictures for a Christmas present.  I wish we were loaded so we could have new pictures of you every month, but the eleven million pictures I take with my phone and camera will just have to do, for the most part.  The pictures didn’t go as well as planned.  Originally, we had planned to do an afternoon shoot, because none of us is morning people, but we were snowed out.  Our retake time was at 10 am on a Sunday.  Since it was in Tulsa, that means that we not only had to leave an hour before that, but everyone had to get ready, super early just to be out the door on time.  Again, none of us are morning people… and we had to get up super early.  Before the photos were even done: I had changed you at least six times, fed you three, both you and Quinn had thrown up all over yourselves, and us, and we were all exhausted.  In fact, you passed out before we were even done, so you ended up being in charge.  I have only seen some of the pictures so far; I just hope that even if we have no pictures where we are all smiling there is at least one with you and your gummy smile.  Your dad keeps teasing me that you’re getting teeth, and if nothing else was captured that day, I just hope it was that, because that is my favorite thing you do right now, and looking back at Quinn, teeth are cute, but the smile just isn’t the same.

So far, you haven’t been sick.  Which is a pretty huge feat for this family.  We’ve run you to the doctor a few times for things that concerned us, but so far, it has never actually been anything to worry about.  You have definitely had some weird stuff going on that always freaks me out, but never turns into anything.  This time you burst a blood vessel in your eye.  It started out on a Sunday night as about the size of a pinhead, and by Monday morning, it had quadrupled in size.  We took you to the doctor; they dropped some yellow stuff in your eye, put a black light on it, and said that you hadn’t scratched anything, and that it was like a bruise for your eyeball, so it would just heal with time.  It didn’t seem to bother you too much, but it looked so painful.  When you were born, you had something similar, so I hope it’s not just your eyes being super sensitive, and that it won’t continue to be an ongoing issue later in life.

After the doctor, we took you to see Santa.  You weren’t too sure of the big guy, but you tolerated him enough to get two pictures.  Quinn was scared of him this year, so we didn’t get one of you two together, but maybe next year.  Because of you two girls, I love Christmas more than I ever could have imagined.  Shopping for gifts for you guys to open Christmas morning is addicting as drugs.  Seriously, we’ve had a really hard time stopping.  We found a whole bunch of things that we thought you’d like, gave them all to the grandparents as suggestions, and were a little bummed that we didn’t save anything for us to get you.  It wasn’t a problem long, and we had a hard time not buying everything in sight.  This is probably one of the best Christmases that you will have, it’s a shame neither one of you will probably remember it.  We will take pictures though.

I know I talk about your hair a lot, it is just so awesome!  While we were at the doctor, the second time in two weeks, people remembered you because of your hair.  You are staring to be known as “that cute baby with the super cool hair that I love” by many of the nurses, nurses that don’t even work for your doctor.  Oh, by the way, you gained a pound in a little under a two-week span.  When we took you in to get your eye examined, you weighed 17 pounds!  Your sister only weighs 21 or 22 pounds, you are catching up with her, and I’m starting to wonder that even though you’re not Irish twins, if people are going to think, you are.  Right now, you two are pretty close, as close as a 5-month and a 20-month old can be, I guess.  You make each other laugh, and you both love to spend time together.  Sometimes in the morning, I put you both in bed with me, and we just have one big cuddle-fest.  Quinn loves to take care of you, and you love her paying attention to you.  Sometimes you two leave me out, but I love watching you all the same.

Love you my little Squidget.

