Sunday, May 18, 2014

Ten Months.

Spring has finally spring, and I feel like you have as well.  You are all over the place.  It is never a dull moment.  You can’t even walk yet, but it doesn’t matter to you because you climb on everything, and I mean EVERYTHING.  I don’t understand how you can be coordinated enough to climb, but not walk yet.  You blow my mind every day.  We never really had to baby-proof for Quinn, but you are a completely different story.  You are a tiny terror.  We have a tiny pink sofa chair that you just love to climb into, stand on, and clap your hands excitedly.  You make me so nervous because you lose your balance easily, but now that you’ve fallen a million times, and most of the time you seem ok, I try to just wait and see what your reaction is, which is SO hard.  I want to bubble wrap you up so you can’t get hurt.

You’ve started to stand while you dance now.  You still just way from side to side (usually you’re standing on that pink chair, making me nervous) while you dance, but you’ve also added in clapping.  Speaking of clapping, that is something new for you.  I love the joy you get on your face when your two little palms come together.  Sometimes I have no clue what you’re clapping for, and sometimes you’re just happy when someone claps at you.  You are still happy most of the time.  While you have eight teeth now, I still think you’re teething because you are chewing on everything, and can sometimes get pretty cranky, usually later in the day.  You poor thing.  I feel like you’ve been teething forever, and I bet you do too.

You have made a miracle discovery this month: Tags.  Out of nowhere, you started to find tags on things, and rub them on your face.  It doesn’t matter if it’s a paper tag, a satin tag, or a Tyvek type material, if it is attached to something, you will be rubbing it on your face.  It’s a little weird, but Daddy used to do something similar when he was little, so just know, it runs in the family.  For whatever reason, it seems to comfort you, so I’m ok with it.  You rubbing tags on your face, and moaning and grumbling a lot are a sure sign that you’re tired, so it’s always a welcome sign of a break for me, because I won’t have to chase you around, or pull you down off of furniture, or out of harm’s way, because you always seem to find it!

Last month, we visited the Easter Bunny at the mall, this month was actually Easter.  You didn’t really seem to get it, which is understandable at your age.  You didn’t care about finding the eggs, but once you found them, into your mouth they went.  You really tried to cram some in there, you were determined.  You also had little interest in the goodies we got you (books, candy, and a small stuffed bunny) but you really wanted to eat that Easter grass, along with the plastic wrap that came around the Peeps.  You didn’t mind when I put the bunny ear headband on your either, which was great because you were so cute!

I feel like this is extra short this month.  Things are starting to become a blur, chasing you around on top of chasing your sister around is more exhausting than I could have ever imagined.  I guess I was naive to think that you two would just place nicely together, and not play nicely AND plot against me together.  I love you anyway.

Love you so much baby girl.
