Sunday, November 30, 2008


So, while I temporarily feel bad for Jason, today has been incredibly AWESOME not having anything to do, so I can mess around all day and not feel guilty! I feel bad because he's stuck doing homework for the next month while I have none, however, I remember all those semesters while I was doing homework, and he was playing video games. So it helps with the guilt. :P

I whipped out the good ole' sewing machine (actually it's shiny and new!) and hemmed two pairs of pants that were in desperate need of it. One I have been wearing for months that had safety pins holding the hem up because it fell out a month after I had them altered (disgusting I know) and what's really bad, is when I took all the pins out, one of them had rusted. :(

I dragged Jason out to Joann's Fabric today, because they overcharged me (well, my mom) on some silicone baking cups, so I wanted me $4.04 back! While we were there, we picked up some thread for my pants, and a pet bed pattern which was completely out of place, but I had to get it, because that's one of the first projects I want to work on. However, I just noticed that the thread cost $5.36 a piece, but I went with that specific one because the person who sold us the sewing machine said it was better quality. I think I will investigate that more next time. Ouch. :/

Back to the projects, I didn't know what stitch to use, and I still don't know how to use the machine (there's sooo many buttons but I don't know what the heck they do) so I think I am going to ask one of the people who taught me how to knit, how to sew, versus going to classes, I'm kind of a retard when it comes to learning hands-on stuff. It took me like 2 weeks to learn how to knit properly, and a good 2-3 months to learn that I was casting on completely wrong, so everything I had made, was crap and would fall apart when it was washed. As for sewing today: I screwed up by picking a stitch that looked like was on one pair of the pants, and didn't change it to the correct foot, and jammed the damn thing, so I just went with the triple liney looking stitchy thing. Haha, see how technology has ruined me!?

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