If you have ever wondered why we haven’t invited you over, it is because we are slobs. Gross, disgusting slobs.
A while back we decided that we wanted a doggie door. The only “good” place (it’s not even that good of a place) to put it, was in the room that we used for an office (although we will have to do some yard modifications.) For a few weeks now, I’ve been on this get everything disinfected and clean kick (I blame the dishwasher) and cleaning things like mad. I am sure we create as much dust as the next guy, however, our dogs are dirt magnets. There is so much dirt in this place it is disgusting. We dust the TV on a Saturday, by Monday it has a nice thick layer of dirt on it. It is nearly impossible to keep anything clean. Anyway, back on track, Jason and I decided that moving our computers into the big spare bedroom would be better, because now that I have my lovely sewing machine, I need a room to store all the stuff, so instead of us being in separate rooms, we will combine into one big one. Yesterday, we went to IKEA so that I could get an early birthday present of a lovely desk. If you didn’t know previously, I have literally been computing out of a closet. Before that I had a small glass desk on wheels that couldn’t fit everything that I had / wanted on it, and it was nearly impossible to do school work on it, as I had to set up TV trays to even hold the books. Anyway, I went from this:
[caption id="attachment_259" align="aligncenter" width="202" caption="The Closet Desk"]
To this:
[caption id="attachment_260" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Awesome desk of awesomeness!"]
I have always wanted a hutch desk, as I like the whole storing up instead of out / sideways. Walls have always been such a waste to me, especially since we have no awards, degrees, or pictures to even hang on them for the most part, and the ones we do have, we have never taken the time to hang. Needless to say, I LOVE IT! It is actually two parts, the desk, and then the hutch were both sold separately, and then Jason let me get the glass top because I like to spill things, and we got the whole shebang plus a cord keeper, two baby surge protectors (which have already been used, even though Jason didn’t think we needed them) and a bottle opener for just over $200. We don’t really have the money to spend, but I’ve been holding back $500 in my ING account for “emergencies” and this will let me be more productive with school and such! (I promise!) Also, it let Jason not feel like shit for, in his words, a bad Christmas because he didn’t have a job, and didn’t get me “everything” I wanted. I think he did fine, and I had a GRAND Christmas, but he doesn’t feel that way.
Oh yeah, so back to us being slobs. While cleaning out the other room (the one where the dogs have been staying) we literally went through half a box of dust cloths (like the Swiffer ones, but generic brand because not only are we cheap, we go through them like air.) So gross. We also vacuumed, and I am sure the bag is overflowing with dirt. We are both still sneezing our brains out left and right because of it. I have to take breaks from cleaning the old office just to get a breath of fresh air, well, that and the shredder keeps heating up. I just want to get everything clean and fresh for the New Year! We did however, have to put out mini-fridge to rest, which broke my heart, even though its been broken for months. I will miss you mini-fridge... I loved how you cooled my Diet Pepsi. : (
On with the Christmas talk!
We both got off work at about 1:30, grabbed a bite to eat so that we didn’t have to “waste” time by making something ourselves. (Gosh, we are lazy!) Once we got home, we ate, got the dogs riled up, and then had to search the entire house to find all the presents we had misplaced. Once we finally got the car packed and everything together, we left at about 4:30… can you imagine what we would be like if we had children? We’d have to plan for weeks in advance simple trips to the grocery store! We headed out of town a different way than we usually do, trying to miss all the outgoing traffic from Phoenix. Shocking enough, even though we were skeptical, it worked and we arrived in Tucson at about 6:15. We waited for my mom to get home from church, and Jason messed around... as per usual:
Once dinner came around, I had delicious prime rib, while everyone else had lobsters.
[caption id="attachment_263" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Jason named his, Esteban."]
The majority of the rest of the night was spent wrapping presents, which lasted until about 12:30, and we were exhausted. I woke up at 8ish, dragged Jason’s butt out of bed around 8:45, and we had bagels for breakfast, and then started opening up our gifties!
I honestly don’t know how it happened, because I know everyone is tight on money, but we got some AWESOME gifts this year:
Flowering Tea Pot
Tiki Wind Chime
Stuffed Penguin
Curious George at the Aquarium
Penguin Bank
Snowman Ornament
Beverage Warmer
Marley & Me (from my mom)
Penguin Ornaments
Bartending for Dummies
Star Wars : The Force Unleashed (For Wii)
Contigo Coffee Cups (x2)
Wooden Puzzles
4,000 Wii Points (Which have been spent on the Wii Browser, Super Mario World, Super Mario Bros 2 and 3, and Bubble Bobble, with more points to spend.)
Poopin' Penguin
Waddling Penguin
Audio Cord (so he can plug his Zune right into his car, and play music)
Phone case
Glasses Cleaner
Stuffed Dalmatian
Curious George and the Firefighters
Snowman Bank
Snowman Ornament
Staple-Free Stapler
X-Ray Bag
Scarf (Handmade from one of my mom's clients)
Tape measure / screw driver / flashlight combo
Marley & Me (from Jason)
Snowman Coin Purse
Wii Fit Mat
Tripod and Camera Bag
Sewing Scissors (8" Dressmakers Shears & 5" Knife Edge)
Sewing Machine (even though I got it a month before, it was "for" Christmas)
Hungry Girl Cook Book
Fire Jewel Swarovski Necklace
Poopin' Reindeer Key chain
Meh. Hoodie
Popping Edamame key chain
For both of us
Entertainment Book (omg, yay a years worth of coupons, I'm in heaaaven!)
Dip / Cheese Ball mixes
Duracell Color Mini Charger (Green with 4 AAA and 4 AA batteries included)
Camping Shower (no more stinky campers!)
Shower Bags (x3)
Lantern (with added propane and extra mantles)
$30 Bed Bath and Beyond Gift Card
$50 (2-$25) Safeway Gift Cards
$25 Joann's Gift Card
$25 Kohls Gift Card
$25 AMC Gift Card
$25 PetsMart Gift Card
Lotto Tickets
For the puppies
Food bowls (for grandma's house so we don't use her Tupperware anymore :p)
New blankets (red for Landon, pink for Lucy)
Mans (that they fight over constantly, and Landon had "dis-armed" his within the first 10 minutes)
I hope I didn't forget anything... but see what I mean?! :D