Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The blow off.

Tonight we got the brush off from the event planner.   I am hoping that because our appointment was scheduled for today at 6:30 it was merly just "lost" in the hustle and bustle of the holiday.  However, I am still bitter at the fact that we inhaled our dinner, rushed the kids when we got home, and had to stand in the cold for 15 minutes for nothing tonight.  (Lucky for me, I got a new coat last night or I would have been screwed!)  It also astonishes me as this specific company came highly recommended, has won many awards, and signs their emails with, "The Bitterness of Poor Quality remains long after the Sweetness of Low Price is forgotten."  Heh.  It halfway irritates me the most because until we decide if we can afford these people, we can't set the date for the other place... although we can't really do that either right now with the lack of funds.  I just wish we could get everything lined up already.  Ugh.   On the happier side though, one of my co-workers gave me tickets to the Arizona Bridal Show in January.  They give away a ton of stuff, so I am hoping we win a free honeymoon (since we don't have one in the works) or a free gown or something.  :P Wish wish wish.

Other than that, all I have to leave you with, is a love-onion, and holiday wishes because I probably won't be updating this for a few days.  :)


1 comment:

Mathes said...

Hope you two have a joyous holiday!

The Mathi