Sunday, January 4, 2009

Poor Wubba :(

We took Landon to the vet today to get his yearly vaccinations and 3 year rabies shot.  Normally it would be an in and out transaction, but it seemed like all the staff except one person was new, they had a ton of walk-ins and everything was sloooooow.  We don’t particularly like this vet because she’s kind of a flake, but the rest of the staff is (usually) super, and they are open late during the week, and they are open on Saturdays and Sundays and used to take our pet insurance (when we had it.)  Anyway, we sat around for 30 minutes, and then Landon had his temperature taken, and they tried to get us to get a whole bunch of extras, and we said no, and they took Landon back to get his shots.  That is one thing that bothers me, they always take the animals to the back, because if «they don’t see mom and dad, they don’t flip out as much.«  But, I am never really convinced that they are getting the shots… well until today.  The shots always knock the kids out, which is usually nice, and so we got home, ate, and took a short nap, everyone was happy.  Landon was lethargic the remainder of the afternoon, and most of this evening.  We fed them at about 5, and by 8:30 they hadn’t been out, so we open the door and Lucy runs out like the obnoxious wrecking ball she is, and Landon just sits and stares at us, Jason starts bawking like a chicken (which is exactly how Lucy sounds, and gets Lucy riled up and Landon remains on the floor, and just stares at us some more.  Once he finally gets up, he’s limping, and trying his damndest to not use his right hind leg, making him have one leg in the front and one leg in the back on opposite sides.  The poor thing is in so much pain, he has a quiet little whimper, and we had to hold him up to help him get outside to pee.  The poor thing.  We feel so bad for him, we know he’s in pain already with the rain, but now this.  If he’s not better in the morning, I think Jason will skip work and take him back to the vet.  He’s so pissed right now, because they could have given him the shots elsewhere so that even if it did hurt it wouldn’t impair his walking.  «How could you do that to a three-legged dog?!?« I believe were his words.  :(

In site / wedding news, I updated the Wedding Plans section, however it’s password protected.  You can email Jason or I for the password.  Also, I was thinking about making people who want to read this sign up for an account.  I’m getting kind of weary of those who are reading it from really weird places (hence the password protected plans) and places that I do know.  For the first time in my life, I am scared of who is on the internet! :P Haha.


Mathes said...

You should be scared of people you meet on the internet. Look what moved in with you! That should be a lesson to all. : )
Jason bawking like a chicken. I dont know why, but that is funny shit. I am laughing thinking of that.

jo said...

how am i sposed to annomously stalk you if you make me make an account?!?!.... also i have tons of knitty questions and links and books for you!!!!

Amanda said...

Haha, I know its yoooooooou :P

you are

and you are one of two people who uses opera.... you stick out like a tutu in a tool shop... or something :o

as for knitting, what on EARTH could you have to ask me? if it is how fast I knit... lets say... super fast, something that should take a week, takes me like 2 months (but i say its only because I use my lunch hour to knit... and not because I'm slow. :x)

Mathes said...


jo said...

what can i say i love my opera XD.... ima email you some knittaliciousness...

fartface! :P