Where to start? We sent out invitations, so far two people’s spouses didn’t know who we were, and were shocked to get invitations for a wedding of someone they didn’t know. My personal favorite response to the invitations was:
I am still laughing about it. :P Thanks John.
As for me, Enigma Girl, I went to the doctor twice this week. The first time was to get an ultrasound (no, I’m not pregnant, thanks.) of my bladder, and kidneys, which appear to be fine. Then I went in for a cystoscopy (fun!) which I thought I may die at. I did survive, and nothing is wrong with my bladder. This sucks for so many reasons. First, I have obnoxiously high co-pays for specialists, which I have now paid three times, for absolutely nothing. Second, there is something wrong with me, I still have to pee all the time, and sometimes I think I have to pee, and I don’t. It’s really more miserable than it sounds. Another medical condition, not found, and undiagnosed, and another doctor saying , “Sorry, don’t know what’s wrong with you, try again.” On a happier note, the inside of your bladder looks pretty nifty, although the places where your kidneys drop fluid into it, are sorta creepy, if I do say so myself. : )
As for Enigma Dog, (Jason said he takes after me) Landon, he had a punch biopsy last week, which left him with one stitch in a quarter sized hole about 1/4 inch deep, with no wound covering. He had to be in an E collar so that he wouldn't chew it. The vet didn't get the results until Wednesday, and didn't have a chance to review them and call us until late Thursday (we were told we'd know by Tuesday.) Turns out Landon doesn't have cancer (yay!) However, that leads to either bug bites, or self mutilation. Either way, we figured it was self mutilation because if he went after the bugs, he'd more than likely bite himself more than the bug, until we came to one realization: the way his tail hits the inside doggie door. This sucks for a ton of reasons. One, we're pretty sure that this is it. He hasn't gone in or out a doggie door in almost a full week, he was without the E collar all day, we put them in the kitchen, gated up, with no doggy door access; tail was fine when I got home, and he had all day to chew on it if he wanted. As soon as I opened up the laundry room door, allowing them access to the garage, his scab mysteriously went missing, and a few more in-and-outs, and his skin was torn, and bleeding. (Albeit, his tail as a whole looks SO much better.) We can either get a new, larger doggie door (which stinks because we just forked out $600 for these two to be installed) or figure out some way to rig this one so that it doesn't scrape his tail. This also obviously is a pain in the ass financially because of how much money we have spent trying to figure this out, as well as putting this poor dog through a myriad of painful tests and procedures. Ugh. We are such bad parents. : ( This is like letting your child stick it's finger in a socket and not being able to figure out why he's smoking and his hair is all crazy. His stitch gets taken out tomorrow. I guess we could ask the vet for suggestions as well.
[caption id="attachment_434" align="aligncenter" width="255" caption="Pre-biopsy and stitches :("]
Enema Girl????? There you go. Bring out your inner freak!
No, no, no. You've got it all wrong. :|
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