Thursday, July 12, 2012

Mo' diapers, mo' money.

Another diaper story?  I know.  Aren’t you sick of this shit?  Har har har.  See what I did there?

Anyway, in light of my last diapering disaster, I am not about to let it happen again, even with disposables.  A month or so back, I found  I love this site.  Not only do they offer free 2 day shipping on orders over $49, which is easy to accomplish with diaper jumbo packs, but they are also a part of a network of sites, and if you order from those sites (which offer home products, drugstore products, pet products, and toys), they knock down the free shipping requirement to $39!  I also love which is part of this network, as they offer our dog food, and while it is a few bucks more (I think $3) we don’t have to drive to the next town to get it (45 minutes each way) and we don’t pay taxes, so it’s worth it all around for the time saved, and gas spent.  I don’t know about the other sites, but I do know that also accepts coupons, which makes it all the more worthwhile!

Anyway, back to the story.  I have been looking for a more cost-effective diaper, but it also needed to be fragrance-free, and hypoallergenic.  Most diaper packs you have to buy a whole bunch and you’re forking out at least $10 a pack.  That’s a lot of money, and a lot of diapers if you end up not liking them.  I was thrilled in my search last night that has sample packs!  I got three different brands for $0.99 each!  They each come with two diapers, and some of the packs even come with wipe samples.  I am so excited that I don’t have to fork out another load of cash, albeit a lot cheaper than the whole cloth diaper fiasco, just to test out some different options.

Don’t get me wrong, I love Pampers, but they are so expensive.  I want my little girl’s tush to be pampered too, but if I can get a diaper for a lot less, and it does the same good work that pampers does, I’m all for it, because that means we can put that money towards other things for her.

I’ll have to report back when we have the results.

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