Saturday, January 18, 2014

Six Months.

Half a year, already?  Stop growing up!

You are such a sweet girl, and still (even despite recent occurrences) the calmest baby I have ever known.  Everybody just loves you, and you have started smiling back at most people instead of scowling at them, as you will forever be known for.  (It’s ok to be cautious.)  Everyone loves your little chunky everything, and finally someone other than family noticed your little heart mark between your eyes.  I love it.  It some ways, I hope you keep it because it is a unique mark, which makes you stand out.  On the other hand, it’s a unique mark that makes you stand out, and people will pick on you for that, which I hate; there is nothing wrong with being different.

Your awesome little mohawk has finally made its last appearance.  Your hair is starting to be too long (or too heavy, I’m not sure) but now you just have normal baby hair.  We did get a few good pictures of it while you had it though.  You rocked it like a star!

You are so happy all the time.  When you were younger, you used to scowl at everyone all the time, even me.  Now you laugh and giggle all the time.  Most of the time, we (momma and daddy) can make you laugh, but no one can get your going like Quinn.  You laugh at each other and get into giggle fits every day.  I love watching you two so much.  You definitely love to laugh, you even laugh in your sleep sometimes, which is hilarious (even though it’s two or three in the morning.)  There are certainly worse sounds to wake up to.  If someone is holding you, and you get excited, you kick your feet like crazy.  Sometimes it is so difficult to hold on to you, you just want to joyfully squirm out of our arms!  Happy, happy girl.

You haven’t been sleeping so great lately.  Not really sure why, you used to at least give me 5 or 6 hours where I had a chance to sleep solid, but now it’s every few hours, if that, and its killing me.  Sometimes feeding you will satisfy you, but lately, it’s getting harder and harder to figure out what you want.  We’ve even resorted to giving you Tylenol when nothing else will work, and 90% of the time, that will work.  You are probably teething, but you’ve been “teething” (drooling and chewing on everything) for months, with no real progress on teeth.  Quinn was the same way though, and she didn’t actually get teeth until she was 10 ½ months old, but she never acted as miserable as you are.  We go to the doctor in two weeks for your checkup.  I doubt they will tell me anything is wrong, and they will probably just brush it off as teething, but I will mention it anyway.

You had your first Christmas last month.  We didn’t really know what to expect.  When Quinn had her first Christmas, she was almost a year old, and she barely enjoyed it.  You did ok.  You didn’t unwrap anything, but you seemed to enjoy the toys that you got.  Some, ok most, of your toys you are sharing with your sister, and she seems to love them just as much as you do.  At this point, it’s really hard to separate toys for one child or the other, I promise, it won’t always be that way.

You have finally outgrown the beloved swing.  This may or may not be the cause for your continued upset at night.  You don’t nap half as much as you used to, and sometimes you cry and cry, and cry for your swing, but at this point, it’s just an expensive chair.  They don’t make the weight limit on those things near where they should be.  It’s been a hard transition for all of us.  Trust me.  ALL OF US.  You have a bouncy seat, which is ok, by your standards, and I’ve been letting you play around on the floor a lot more, which is occasionally ok, but neither of those places is suitable for you to fall asleep at.  Usually I have to rock you for a long time, and transfer you to the bouncy seat, or risk walking through the house and getting you to your crib.  Both of those adventures have a 75% failure rate, and you usually wake up, but at least if I make it to your crib, you will stare at your mobile for a bit and pretend you are sleeping long enough for me to take a shower, or deal with the dishes or laundry.  You’re a good sport.  Thanks for that.



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