Sunday, August 15, 2010

Amazing Things

Earlier this week the site was down because of an application that I was using that was "hogging" up all the server resources.  Since it is a shared server (with God knows how many people) instead of just removing or disabling the program, my host put the kabosh on the entire site.  I was pretty annoyed because that allowed me to do things the backwards / hard way only... as I wasn't allowed access to my actual site, where I could have taken care of the problem in one foul swoop.  So the site was down for a day or so while I went to 2,310 different locations to try and solve the issue.  Let's just say I'll leave it at that, but I am a little annoyed with my host right now for not really being helpful, or timely since they said they would check overall resources in 24 hours... and that 24 hours was up Thursday...  *cough*  That's why the site is only half done, because this all went down right in the middle of me working on it...

Annnnnnnyyyyyway, school for me starts this Thursday, and I already feel overwhelmed.  I ordered my books weeks ago and I have one.  One out of four.  I got an email yesterday saying I had to go to Target to buy one since it was way cheaper than going through the book store.  Thanks teach.  So technically I guess I have two, even though I haven't actually gone to get it yet.  However, I called the bookstore and told them "Hey, this book has been sitting at West Campus for a week and a half... you think you could ship it... and what about this other one that's been pending for a week... what about that one?"  The response I got was less than pleasurable with one book being dropped off by FedEx the day before my classes start, and one book being on backorder, despite the fact that they have 15 in stock for people who are picking up, until after classes start.  I ordered my books on the 3rd, how long do you wait for people to pick up their books... an eternity?  So yeah, totally sucks.  I hate being unprepared.  Jason's school starts on the following Monday, and he's already picked up his books, easy peasy.

A few months ago, I ordered a little device called a FitBit.  It took forever to get here (on backorder... just like everything I ever order) but I finally got it Thursday.  It is amazing to say the least.  It tracks sleep, and calories burned, and has an entire website to track all that and more.  The only thing I am truely disappointed with... is my results: (click it!)

The sleep feature is what really sold me on this little device, and so far this has been my worst night out of three.  My first night I was awoken 12 times, but got about 8 hours of sleep.  My second night I was awoken 23 times (!!!) but got about 7 hours of sleep... last night was obviously the worst because when I was woken up, I stayed up instead of being up for a minute or two.  The website also tracks your caloric intake, and water intake based on the foods you entered in, so it is really interesting to see the total caloric intake of what you eat versus what you burn as well.  So far I am in love with this tiny little helper, but I'm giving it at least a month before I give an absolute recommendation as I've seen a lot of pros as well as cons on their forums.

That's pretty much it for now.  I'm off to force Jason to clean with me... we defrosted/deiced our freezer yesterday (easy to do in this heat) and now its off to organize the kitchen!

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