It has been a long time, I know. I stopped blogging shortly (we’re talking about 2 weeks) after I got pregnant, and now my daughter is almost 2 months old. My, how time flies.
I really want to blog more, and since I am currently not “working” I hope that I will be able to find time. Being a parent is more than a full time job, and until you experience it, you will never know how much work it is to be a parent or a stay at home mom. It’s one of the most strenuous, stressful, yet rewarding jobs I have ever had. It is far from a piece of cake, yet many people think being a stay at home mom makes their life easy, or makes them lazy, trust me when I say they are wrong. So wrong.
Jason’s schedule also makes it even more challenging. Currently, he works from midnight to 9 am. So not only do I have to keep the baby occupied when he gets home and sleeps (until about 5 pm) but I have to keep her quiet. Sure infants sleep a lot… but they are far from quiet when they wake up. Trying to keep her on a normal (and I say it this way incase his shift ever changes, and hopefully it does) sleeping schedule has been especially challenging. Currently, she goes to sleep around 1 or 2 am, and then wakes up at 6 to 7 am, and is awake for most of the day taking an hour nap here and there. Doesn’t sound too bad, until you realize how many things you can’t get done during the day because someone is sleeping. Therefore, I don’t usually get more than 3 or 4 hours of sleep solid at a time, because even when she’s asleep at night, I am trying to get things done that I can’t do while Jason is sleeping. It’s super exhausting. Sometimes I have to sneak in a nap or four during the day, and I usually have to be holding her to do so just so that I can function, but the bonus is that she normally will always nap with me, so I get an hour or two here and there for the most part.
Tonight we built her crib, finally. We’ve had it since before she was born, but we knew that we would be keeping her in her bassinet for the first month at least, and then we didn’t have a mattress, etc. etc. I don’t know if I will be able to let her sleep in a room alone. She probably won’t notice, or care, but I have a feeling I will be a nervous wreck. We have a baby monitor, but what if I don’t hear her, I also can’t peek in on her every now and then either, without making it a trip to her room. Who knows if I will make it happen tonight or not, but it needs to happen soon, the little string bean is quickly outgrowing her bassinet. She is so tall.
That’s it for now, she’s asleep for the moment, so I am going to take advantage of the free time!
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